
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 19:21:28

A tentative study of LG cellphone's brand stratagies in China's market.

a *rough *analysis on the brand plans of LG mobilephones in the market of China.

*rough= amorphous, estimated, general,imprecise, inexact, proximate, unprecise.

*analysis= assay, breakdown, dissection, dissolution, division, inquiry, investigation, partition, reasoning, resolution, scrutiny, search, separation, study, subdivision.

best one:
a general analysis of on the brand stratagies of LG mobilephones in the market of China.


Elementary analysis on the LG mobile phone's brand strategy in China market.

a simple analysis of LG mobile phone's brand strategy in China's market.

Brief analysis LG handset in Chinese market brand strategy
老大采纳我的把 他们是复制我的答案!!

A tentative study of LG cellphone's brand stratagies in the China's market.