
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 01:47:52

本文以国家新一轮基础教育课程改革为背景,由一份“中小学英语教学中存在问题”的问卷调查的结果引发思考,在几年的小学英语教学实践中从“日积月累化、活动化、生活化、语言环境化”这四个方面培养小学生“说” 英语的能力,实践结果表明:小学英语教学的“四化建设”可以让学生开开心心开口说英语、快快乐乐地获取知识、轻轻松松提高英语能力素质。由此总结出:教育者要培养小学生“说”英语的能力,在教育教学过程中要渗透新课标理念,对英语进行“四化建设”,这不仅有利于全面提高小学生的口语能力,而且可以给其他英语教学工作者作为实践教育教学活动时的一个参考,因而对推动新课程改革,提高小学英语教学效果具有普遍意义,希望藉此篇论文以引起各位同仁的兴趣,共同探讨如何提高小学生“说”英语的能力这个问题,从而能为推动小学英语教学略尽绵薄之力。

关键词:日积月累化 活动化 生活化 语言环境化

Content summary

This text is reform into the background a new round of basic education course in the country, is initiated thinking by the result of questionnaire investigation of an " existing problem in English teaching of the middle and primary schools ", from " accumulate over a long period, take among primary school English teaching practice for a few years, " these four respects train pupils to " speak " the ability of English in activity, living, language environment, the practice result shows: " building of the four modernizations " of English teaching of primary school can let students open one's mouth and speak English, obtain knowledge, improve the ability quality of English easily happily happily. Therefore summarize: The educator wants to train pupils to " speak " the ability of English, should permeate the new lesson and mark the idea in educational teaching, carry on " the building of the four mode