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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 21:20:15
摘 要

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Abstract works for the Changchun municipal libraries, the external walls of 370 mm and a high level of 4.2 m, The remaining floors of the 3.9 m. A framework structure, network size - 7.2 x 7.2m, the generous use of glass windows, to effectively improve the visual environment. enhance internal light. There are two elevators and two sets of stairs, a staircase in the internal libraries, books conducive to the internal flow. Buildings appearance by the appropriate color tiles affixed decorative top sheet of light, pleasing to the eye. The building, the beams and columns section size, have been calculated and verified with the design requirements were used cast-in-place reinforced concrete, HPB235 reinforced models using class rank and HRB335, based artificial bored piles, single-pile
