
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 10:10:06

初中化学教学是化学教育的启蒙和基础阶段。目前,由于受片面追求升学率的影响,老师还习惯于只重视知识的传授,“一言堂”现象较严重, 知识的掌握顺序并没有引起重视,实际教学中,不重视实验,甚至不做学生实验的现象相当普遍。要想提高化学教学质量,必须从初中抓起,首先分析初中生学习化学的心理特征,进而根据其心理特征,从培养学生学习兴趣,激发他们的求知欲入手, 引导学生突破初中化学课时少、任务重、内容分散及有些概念极易混淆等矛盾,帮助他们过好基本概念关,实验操作关等,使他们更好地掌握基础知识和基本技能, 培养他们自觉学习化学以及灵活运用化学知识独立解决问题的能力。 从而使学生对化学形成稳定的、持久的兴趣,扎实的学好化学知识。

Junior Chemistry elementary method of teaching :
Junior Chemistry Teaching is the enlightenment of chemical education and basic stage. At present, due to the one-sided pursuit of higher education, the teachers are accustomed only to the passing on of knowledge. "mouthpiece" phenomenon is more serious knowledge of the order and did not pay attention to the actual teaching, not to experiment, not even students experiment fairly common phenomena. To improve the quality of teaching chemistry, we must start from the junior high school, junior high school students learn first chemical analysis of the psychological characteristics, Then based on their psychological profiles, from cultivating the interest of students in learning and inspire their intellectual curiosity start, guide students in junior middle school chemistry class breakthrough small task, and the contents are scattered and some concepts easily confused conflicts and help them to the basic concept of relevant,