“我不敢看那部电影,因为怕会被感动哭了” 英语怎么说?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 23:41:12
但是总感觉说不准,所以请各位高人指点指点,谢谢了!!! T_T....
主要是"dare not"可以用在这里面吗?好像是“怕承担某种后果”才用"dare not"的啊;

I dare not to watch that film because I am afraid I can't help crying by touch.

I dare not watch that film because I am afraid that I will cry while watching it .

I don't dare watch that movie ,because I'm afraid that I will be cry

I would not like to watch that film because I am afraid that it will moved me to tears.

I dare not to watch that movie, because I'm afraid I'd be moved and then cry.

I have no encourage to watch the film ,for fearing to be moved to tear down .