
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 06:05:30
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就是特洛伊的电影的开篇词 中文大概是 人们总是想名垂千史,我们因此问自己我们的事迹会被千古传颂吗?在我们逝去多年以后,陌生人仍然会听到我们的名字,并知道我们是谁,作战多么英勇,爱得多么强烈吗?

A mangy, bone-thin DOG lopes across the broad valley
floor, sniffing at the ground. At first the scene
appears bucolic: tall grass, patches of wildflowers, blue
sky above.

But as the dog keeps running we see signs of conflict. A
spear, half imbedded in the earth, rises at an angle. A
bronze helmet, cracked and bloodied, lies on its side.
The dog pauses to sniff the helmet then continues his
search. Finally he stops, hackles on his back rising,
ears pricked up. He growls, and we see what the dog sees.
Dozens of CROWS have descended into a shallow ravine.
They squabble and peck, clustered around something on the

The dog growls louder and charges at the crows. The black
birds flap away to safety, shrieking in protest.
A DEAD SOLDIER lies facedown in the ravine. Whatever
armor he wore was stripped away, leaving his body to the

The dog walks slowly to the dead man