
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 10:32:14
喜欢音乐,确切的说应该是喜欢玩乐器记得那是小时候的梦想,有自己的一台钢琴。而后,频繁的到邻居家,摆弄小朋友的电子琴。然而总总到我手里不到几分钟时间,就被人家抢走。费尽心机,想多拿来玩会。昨天,背着我的吉他从上海火车南站地铁坐车。不知道是对艺术的崇拜还是怎么,过往的大部分人都会以崇拜的目光看我。有点高处不胜寒的感觉。刚踏上通往地铁站台的电梯,一个穿暗红色T恤的小孩吸引住了我的目光。看上去有4 5岁的样子,旁边站着一位妇女,像是他妈妈,看上去朴素、自然,目光望着与电梯口对应的我的后方,放在他们旁边的有一堆东西,长虫皮袋、几个黑色的背包,还有一个看上去将近40岁样子的男子,抽着烟,面色发暗,在人群中显得不怎么起眼。那小孩瞪着眼看着我,还有我背上背的吉他。有一种好奇,有一种喜悦的表情。似乎有什么惊喜发现。他的目不转睛吸引住了我,电梯还在网上走。当电梯上面的横栏快要挡住我视线的时候,那小孩看了一下我又看了一下妈妈,又看了一下我,然后拍着双手蹦了起来,俩只腿一蹦开,一蹦合,双手一拍一拍,嘴也动了起来,看上去他很高兴,有点兴奋的那种。我对着那个小孩笑了一下,而后视线被挡板挡住了。从看到那个小孩到消失,大概有5 6秒钟的时间。但那个小孩的眼睛却唤起了很多东西一样,我似乎被激活了。我在想,那个小孩是不是像我一样有音乐的细胞,天生的。抱着我的吉他,只要弹出声响,不管是什么样的节奏。都会自然的舞动起来......那是最初的梦想........

Like music, the exact said it should be like playing musical instruments remember that it was a child's dream, one of Taiwan's own piano. Later, the neighbors to frequent, fiddle with the flower children. But overall total to my hands less than a few minutes, they were snatched away. Scheming, I want to play will be used. Yesterday, I went on a guitar from the Shanghai Railway Southern Station subway car. Not aware of the art of worship or how, in the past, the majority of people will worship in the eyes look at me. The feeling of standing above the crowd a bit. Taking the subway platform to the elevator, wearing a dark red T-shirt kids attracted my attention. Looks a 4 5-year-old's appearance, standing next to a women, like his mother, looks simple, natural, Looking at the eyes and mouth corresponding lift my rear, they put a heap beside the things that snake leather Several black backpack, there is a nearly 40-year-old looked like a man Chouzhao breathing at that dark,