
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 05:09:08


书剑恩仇录的英文名称是:the book & the sword
鹿鼎-The Duke Of The Mount Deer
书剑恩仇录 - The Contests of the Book and the Sword
碧血剑 - The Blood Stained Sword
射雕英雄传 - The Archery Hero
神雕侠侣 - The Gallant Couple
倚天屠龙记 - Tale of the Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre
笑傲江湖 - The Hero's Pride
鹿鼎记 - Tale of the Conquests of the Mount Deer Duke
雪山非狐;飞狐外传 - The Snowy Fox; The Other Tale of the Snowy Fox
天龙八部 - The Eight Buddhist Deities
侠客行 - A Song on Gallantry
白马啸西风 - Story of the West
天龙八部《The semi Gods and semi Devils》--直译为"半神半魔"

笑傲江湖《The Smiling Prond Wonderer》--直译为"微笑的高傲的流浪者"

书剑恩仇录——《The Book and The Sword》直译为"书和剑"
碧血剑——《The Sword Stained with Royal Blood》直译为"被血染污的剑"
神雕侠侣 《The Return Of The Condor Heroes》 -- 直译为"雕英雄归来"
倚天屠龙记——《Heavenly Sworld and The Dragon Saber》直译为"神圣的剑和龙刀"
飞狐外传——"Other Story of Flying Fox"直译为&