
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 20:14:32
我有一个别具一格的房间,因为它是由黑白两种色调构成的。有一张黑白床放在靠房间右边的位置。床的两边是黑色的床头柜,右边的床头柜放着我的照片 ,左边的床头柜放着白色的玫瑰花。在靠左边的方向放着我黑色的衣橱。在落地窗旁边放着一张白色的躺椅。我还有一个特别窗帘,因为它的颜色是白色的淡花纹。这就是我别具一格的房间。


I have a special room, because it is colored by black and white. There is a black-and-white bed on the right side of the room. On both sides of the bed there are black cabinets, on right of which lies my picture, and white roses on the other side. On the left hand side of the room is my black cupboard. There is also a white chair beside the window. I have a special curtain, because the color is white and shallow pattern of flowers. That's my special room.