
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 10:26:22
Pollution Fighters

Judy is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution
She is interviewing Doctor Ray, a scientist , about trees.
JUDY: Why are you so interested in trees, Doctor Ray?
DR RAY: They’re the biggest and oldest living things on earth , Judy.
JUDY: Yes , but what good are trees ? They make streets more beautiful and less noisy ,
but what else can they do ?
DR RAY: Well , there’s wood in your pencil and the bench ,rubber on the end of your
pencil ,and paper in your notebook-all from trees . And
while you're studying at home ,do you like to eat an orange , or sip a Coke
or a coffee ?
JUDY: Sometines .
DR RAY: Well , the fruit , the nuts for the Coke , and the beans for the coffee all come
from trees .And , I suppose you also enjoy breathing pure ,cool air .
JUDY: Of course .
DR RAY: Then you must thank trees for that , too . Trees are natural air ,and release

Pollution Fighters

Judy is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution
She is interviewing Doctor Ray, a scientist , about trees.
JUDY: Why are you so interested in trees, Doctor Ray?
DR RAY: They’re the biggest and oldest living things on earth , Judy.
JUDY: Yes , but what good are trees ? They make streets more beautiful and less noisy ,
but what else can they do ?
DR RAY: Well , there’s wood in your pencil and the bench ,rubber on the end of your
pencil ,and paper in your notebook-all from trees . And
while you're studying at home ,do you like to eat an orange , or sip a Coke
or a coffee ?
JUDY: Sometines .
DR RAY: Well , the fruit , the nuts for the Coke , and the beans for the coffee all come
from trees .And , I suppose you also enjoy breathing pure ,cool air .
JUDY: Of course .
DR RAY: Then you must thank trees for that , too . Trees are natural air ,and release