
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 14:23:43
It was a long journey, but all of them didn't feel tired. 与Although the journey took a long time, nobody felt tired.有什么区别
It was a long journey, but all of them didn't feel tired. 与Although the journey took a long time, nobody felt tired.
I was going out when the rain stopped. 与 When the rain stopped, I went out.

It was a long journey, but all of them didn't feel tired. 的意思是虽然路途遥远,但是他们并不是全都感到疲惫。(all of的否定形式表示部分否定,要完全否定用none of)
Although the journey took a long time, nobody felt tired.的意思是虽然路途遥远,但是没人感到疲惫。
I was going out when the rain stopped.表示当雨停了我就出去。(因为句子的前半部分是过去将来时,后半部分是一般过去时,所以后面的动作先于前面的动作发生)
When the rain stopped, I went out. 表示当雨停的时候,我出去了。(由于句子的前后两部分都是一般过去时,表示动作同时发生)
但在具体生活上,I was going out when the rain stopped. 与 When the rain stopped, I went out.意思差不多


因为although和but不能连用,所以不会同时出现.而nobody和all of them...not 也是一样的意思