
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 23:01:08

a) definition of the production route in a written quality plan that identifies the manufacturing location(s), all manufacturing operations and the manufacturing controls required to maintain the qualification;
b) initial testing of products produced on the defined production route in accordance with B.2.2.and verifying they satisfy the acceptance criteria;
c) periodic testing to confirm that the product continues to have the required resistance to cracking in H2S
service. The frequency of “periodic” testing shall also be defined in the quality plan and shall be acceptable to the purchaser. A record of such tests shall be available to the purchaser;
d) retaining and collating the reports of these tests and making them available to material purchasers and/or equipment users.
A material purchaser may agree additional quality control requirements with the manufacturer.
The accuracy of the qual

a) 生产路线的定义在辨认制造业location(s) 、所有制造过程和制造业控制必需维护资格的一个书面质量计划;
b) 标注姓名起首字母测试产品被生产在被定义的生产路线与B.2.2.and 符合核实他们满足验收标准;
c) 周期性测试证实, 产品继续有对崩裂的必需的抵抗在硫化氢里
服务。频率 “周期性” 测试将被定义在质量计划, 对采购员并且将是可接受的。纪录的这样测试将供给采购员;
d) 保留和校对这些测试报告和使他们可利用对物质采购员并且/或者设备用户。
对生产路线的变动, 落在它的书面质量计划之外极限, 要求一条新路线的资格与a) 、b) 、c)和d) 符合上面。

a)的定义,该生产线在一份书面质量计划,确定生产地点( s )的所有生产工序和生产所需的控制,以维持资格;
b )初始测试产品在界定生产线按照b.2.2.and核实他们符合验收标准;
c )定期进行测试,以证实该产品仍然具备抗开裂硫化氢
改变生产线,不属于限制其书面质量计划,需要资历一条新路按照一) ,二) , c )和d )