
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 12:26:03
 Winners agree that neither the Company or Promoters nor their employees shall have any liability in connection with the acceptance or use of any of the prizes. All prizes are fulfilled by the promoter and are not the responsibility of the Company. Non-fulfillment of the prizes must be taken up with the promoter. Whilst the company will endeavor to ensure that all prizes are fulfilled within 3 months of the game completion, the Company cannot be held responsible for the non-fulfillment of prizes. 


获胜者既不认同公司或筹划人,也不认同他们的受雇者会有任何责任在接受我们的任何奖励的联系上。 筹划者所发起的所有的奖励履行,不是 公司的责任义务。筹划者忙于没有履行的奖励。当公司会去尝试的时候, 会担保所有奖励品的履行在3个月内完成。 但公司不会承为这个非履行的奖励