新西兰留学 寄宿在洋人家里,一个礼拜一般在多少钱啊?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 20:38:41
如果平时有朋友去你家和你住一晚上什么的,房东会不高兴 反感吗?




from my own experience (i used to study in NZ), its $160NZD/week, that is the rate as a high school student, vary from city to city and school, so it really depends on where u going. also if u invite ur friends sleep over, it would be a good idea to ask ur homestay parents, to get their permission, cuz sometimes they don't want any strangers but other times if u have good homestays, then they treat u as a member of the family and welcome ur friends, it all depends :D

