
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 15:18:30
摘 要:《红楼梦》中贾宝玉的叛逆性格的形成绝非偶然,是曹雪芹反对程朱理学、反对科举功名、八股取士的进步思想的表现。小说充分描写造成贾宝玉性格的生活环境和他具体境遇的各方面特点。深刻揭示了他性格成长的主客观原因。经过两次严重的考验和锻炼,他对封建主义进一步划清了界限,对封建主义的反感大大加深了,对封建主义的警惕大大提高了,原先留存的封建统治阶级的恶劣习性和意识消除了,他的反封建的性格愈加成熟起来了。他的叛逆精神集中表现在以下四个方面:一、对男尊女卑的叛逆;二、对科举制度的叛逆;三、对婚姻制度的叛逆;四、对等级制度的叛逆。
关键词:新人 叛逆 典型

On Jia Baoyu's rebellious character
Abstract : "A Dream of Red Mansions" Jia Baoyu's rebellious character is not a matter of the formation of Cao Xueqin against Neo-Confucianism, against Imperial fame, boilerplate from the progressive thinking with the performance. Novels fully describe the character caused Jia Baoyu and his living environment specific aspects of the situation characteristics. He reveals the deep character development of objective and subjective reasons. After two serious tests and training, he feudalism further drawn a line on the feudalist greatly deepened the resentment of the feudalist greatly enhance vigilance, the original retained feudal ruling class's bad habits and eliminate the sense that he's anti-feudal character of the increasingly mature. His rebellious spirit manifested in the following four aspects : First, the superior of treason; Second, to the imperial examination system of treason; Three of the Marriage of treason;