
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 15:09:36
“您还在为使电路板尽量紧凑而绞尽脑汁?为布通电路板的线路而废寝忘食?或者为电路板的歪歪扭扭感到灰心丧气吗?现在好了,卓越的Protel 99将彻底把您从烦琐的设计工作中解放出来,在它的帮助下,您的电子线路设计工作将变得轻松愉快。它会给你想要的一切。”


"You still to be made as a compact circuit board and racking their brains? Qualcomm cloth for the PCB circuits clock? Or for the circuit board scrawls of an infant was discouraged? Now all of the outstanding Protel 99 will completely transform your design from the tedious work of the liberation, in its help, you electronic circuit design will become happy and relaxed. it will give you all want. "


自助翻译开始:"You still to be made as a compact circuit board and racking their brains? Qualcomm cloth for the PCB circuits clock? Or for the circuit board scrawls of an infant was discouraged? Now all of the outstanding Protel 99 will completely transform your design from the tedious work of the liberation, in its help, you electronic circuit design will become happy and relaxed. it will give you all want. "


"You return at for make circuit board as far as possible tightly packed but engage in