
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 09:55:02
the little girl called linda doesn't feel well.
jim has got everything ready.
he kept talking in class and the teacher made him stay in the classroom afternoon.
mr turner asked us to tie the tree to keep is straight.
there are 50 students in our class.
the girl in red sitting before a computer and looking for somethiing on the internet.


“the little girl ”是主语,“called linda ”是定语后缀用来修饰它,“ feel ”是动词作谓语,“well”是动词补语,没有宾语。

“jim”主语,“has got ”谓语,“everything”是宾语,“ready”是补语。

“he”“the teacher”是主语,“kept ”“ made ”是谓语,“talking in class”“stay in the classroom afternoon”是宾语补语,“him”是宾语,“and”是连词。

“mr turner ”是主语,“asked”是谓语,“us”是宾语,“to tie the tree to keep it straight. ”是宾语补语。

“50 students ”是主语,“there are ”是谓语,“in our class”是补语。

“the girl ”是主语,“in red”作主语补语修饰主语,“sitting”“looking for”是谓语,“a computer ”“something”是宾语。“before”是介词,“on the internet”作“something”的补语!
