
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 09:43:49
For many weeks we had been accustomed to seeing horses and oxen suffering from heat,thirst,and starvation.Now things got worse. for miles sides of the road were lined with dead animals and abandoned wagons.Lying around them were chains,guns,tools,bedding,cilthing,and many other articles.The owners had left everything—and hurried on to save themselves.In anxiety of reaching a place of safety,no one stopped to look or help.In fact,the situation was so desperate that,in most cases,no one could help another.Each could only try to save himself and his animals.We called it Death Valley.


是英国科幻作家 乔治.威尔斯 的《大战斗火星人》吧。我以前读过原著

(For many weeks时间状语) we had been accustomed to(be accustomed to对什么什么习以为常,见惯不怪它的后面接名词、代词、动名词,这里接动名词 seeing) seeing horses and oxen (suffering from heat,thirst,and starvation后置定语,这里相当于that are suffering from heat,thirst,and starvation受…的折磨).

Now things got worse. (for miles 地点状语,“在很多英里的路上”)sides of the road were lined with(被动语态“一路上都是”) dead animals and abandoned wagons.

Lying around them were chains, guns, tools, bedding,cilthing,and many other articles.(倒装语序,相当于Chains, guns, tools, bedding,cilthing,and many other articles were lying around them)
The owners had left everything—and hurried on to save themselves.

(In anxiety of reaching a place of safety原因状语从句),no one stopped (to look or help目的状语).

In fact,the situation was so desperate that(so…that搭配),(in most cases,插入成分,做状语)no one could help another.

Each could only try to save himself and his animals.

We called it Deat