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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 17:53:22
2004年雅典奥运会的圣火刚刚熄灭,2008年奥运五环旗即将在中国北京升起! 回首上届奥运史,北京的天空一片欢腾,那是因为无数中国人的翘首期盼与呐喊;雅典的天空如此蔚蓝,那是因为冲天斗志的感染。奥运角逐激烈而又残酷,胜负往往系于一线之间,中国选手以无比的自信与勇气,战胜对手,征服赛场,超越自我,让五星红旗一次次在澳洲升起,让义勇军进行曲一次次在全球华人的心中奏响。所有的中国人在自豪,所有的炎黄子孙在骄傲! 圣火、五环、中国印、火炬手的选拔……2008年北京奥运会离我们越来越近。在祖国各地,无数人民欢呼跳跃,翘首期盼2008年北京奥运会。然而,举办一个绿色、和谐的奥运会与一个和谐的社会是分不开的,和谐的奥运会更需要一个和谐的社会作为坚强的后盾。

和谐社会 和谐奥运 奥运精神 以人为本
和谐社会 和谐奥运 奥运精神 以人为本

2004 Athens Olympic flame has extinguished 2008 Olympic rings flag will be raised in Beijing China! Looking back at the last Olympic history, a pleasant Beijing sky, it is because many Chinese people eager and cry; Athens sky so blue, it is because the sky to fight infection. Olympic competition fierce and cruel, the outcome often depends on the frontline between the Chinese players with tremendous self-confidence and courage to overcome the opponent, conquer grounds beyond ourselves, let the five-star red flag was raised in Australia, Volunteer at a march in the hearts of Chinese people around the world played. All the Chinese people proud, proud of all the Chinese people! Torch, flag, China and India, the torch selection ... 2008 Beijing Olympics from us getting closer. In all parts of the country, countless people cheered jumping, eager 2008 Beijing Olympics. However, holding a green Olympics and a harmonious society is inseparable from harmony, harmony Olympics need a more harmo