
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 09:15:32
秦皇岛位于河北省东北部, 距北京市280km,北依燕山东端,东南濒临苍茫渤海, 是我国北方终年不冻港。她历史悠久、风光绮丽,气候宜人,拥有众多的自然景观和历史名胜:万里长城横亘全境,避暑胜地北戴河、历史名城山海关、古代传说孟姜女庙、南戴海海滨、昌黎黄金海岸、野生动物园、海底世界等等。秦皇岛海岸长达124公里,沙滩柔细,海浪平缓,阳光充裕,是理想的海滨浴场。金秋季节,瓜田果香,蟹肥鱼鲜,游人在品果味、尝海鲜的同时,还能够观日出、看大潮,尽享美好时光。

Qinhangdao is located northeast Hebei Province, is apart from Beijing280km, north carries according to Mt. yanshan east, the southeastborders on boundless Bohai Sea, is north part of our country died atthe age of the ice free port. Her history glorious, the scenery isbeautiful, the pleasant weather, has the multitudinous naturallandscape and the historical scenic spot: The Great Wall spanned theentire boundary, summer resort Beidaihe, the historical famous cityShanhai Pass, the ancient times fable Meng Jiangnyu temple, southwears the sea seashore, Changli gold coast, wild zoo, seabed world andso on. The Qinhangdao seacoast long amounts to 124 kilometers, thesand beach gentle, ocean waves gentle, the sunlight is abundant, isthe ideal seashore bathing place. The golden fall season, melon TianGuoxiang, the crab fat seafood, the tourist while the fruit taste,tastes the seafood, but also can observe the sunrise, look at theflood tide, enjoys the happy time.
