求助看过“Concert for Diana”中p.diddy现场的英文高手

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 09:11:49
i'll be missing you 的歌词就不用写了,谢谢

下了个Concert for Diana中missing you的高清HD片断,准备自己手动配字幕,请帮忙听译,把diddy的话补全

So beautiful
so graceful
so compassionate
so royal
an incredible mother
make some noise for Princess Diana, y’all!

we miss you,we love you

10 years ago Princess Diana went to a better place.
Today we celebrate her rebirth
I dedicate this song to you.

Sometimes in life we lose people that are close to us.
Princess Diana was close to all of us.
She was our princess.
Diana, we miss you.
If you miss Diana, make some noise!

If you’ve come here to celebrate Diana,
I want you to put your hands in the air and wave from side to side.
She’s smiling down on us right now.
I want you to sing this with me, come on.
Say “I love you, I love you. We miss you, we miss you.
Prince William, Prince Harry, we love you, we respect you.

P Diddy -《Press Play》[MP3!]
中文名称:Press Play
专辑歌手:P Diddy

向来爱在专辑标题上面突显戏剧性的吹牛老爹这次却反而为新专辑取了个很朴实的名字:"Press Play"(意谓:按播放键)。老爹解释说,经过这么多年在歌坛里打滚的经验,他的心得就是所有音乐作品最重要的关键就在于听者按了播放键之后的反应,歌曲放出来以后有没有得到共鸣,就是这首歌成败的要点。老爹说他希望他的新专辑届时能够在被歌迷按下播放键之后马上得到热烈回应,于是就如此为他的新专辑命名。吹牛老爹为这张新专辑努力琢磨了一年半,而且请来了众多大牌的客串巨星。而老爹预计要选为首支单曲的作品“Touch Me”还特别请到克莉丝汀(Christina Aguilera)共同合唱,另一首歌曲“Come to Me”也有小野猫合唱团(Pussycat Dolls)的Nicole性感献声。

吹牛老爹(P. Diddy)出生在美国纽约。他创立的Bad Boy Records后来演变成他的媒体帝国。现在的他身兼数职,包括唱片发行商、娱乐界大佬、作家、组织者、设计师、演员和歌星。财富达3.15亿美元。吹牛老爹(P. Diddy)始终是把Hip-hop文化推向主流的前锋,作为饶舌歌手,他曾获得过3次格莱美奖。

Diddy's "PRESS PLAY" is the Grammy-winning superstar's first solo collection in five years. The Diddy-produced first single, 'Come To Me,' featuring Nicole Scherzinger from The Pussycat Dolls, has exploded at radio across the country. It was the #1 most-added song in its first week a