
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 19:28:25
查尔斯·狄更斯: 英国小说家,出生于海军小职员家庭,10岁时全家被迫迁入负债者监狱,11岁就承担起繁重的家务劳动。曾在皮鞋作坊当学徒,16岁时在律师事务所当缮写员,后担任报社采访记者。他只上过几年学,全靠刻苦自学和艰辛劳动成为知名作家。 他生活在英国由半封建社会向工业资本主义社会的过渡时期。其作品广泛而深刻地描写这时期社会生活的各个方面,鲜明而生动地刻画了各阶层的代表人物形象,并从人道主义出发对各种丑恶的社会现象及其代表人物进行揭露批判,对劳动人民的苦难及其反抗斗争给以同情和支持。但同时他也宣扬以“仁爱”为中心的忍让宽恕和阶级调和思想。对劳动人民的反抗斗争抱行动上支持而道德上否定的矛盾态度。表现了他的现实主义的强大力量和软弱空想。 狄更斯一生共创作了14部长篇小说,许多中、短篇小说和杂文、游记、戏剧、小品。其中最著名的作品是描写劳资矛盾的长篇代表作《艰难时代》(1854)和描写1789年法国革命的另一篇代表作《双城记》(1859)。前者展示了工业资本家对工人的残酷剥削和压迫,描写了工人阶级的团结斗争,并批判了为资本家剥削辩护的自由竞争原则和功利主义学说。后者以法国贵族的荒淫残暴、人民群众的重重苦难和法国大革命的历史威力,来影射当时的英国社会现实,预示这场“可怕的大火”也将在法国重演。其他作品有《奥列佛·特维斯特》(又译《雾都孤儿》1838)、《老古玩店》(1841),《董贝父子》(1848),《大卫·科波菲尔》(1850)和《远大前程》(1861),等等。

Charles Dickens: British novelist, born on small staff of the Navy family, 10-year-old when the whole family was forced to move into debtors prison, the 11-year-old shoulder heavy domestic work. When the shoe factory in apprenticeship, at the age of 16 when kept in the law firm members, after the newspaper reporters. He had only a few years of a key learning and hard work hard to become famous writers. He lives in Britain and semi-feudal society to the industrial capitalist society transition period. Its extensive and profound works of this period describes all aspects of social life, clear and vivid description of the representative of all sectors of the image, starting right from the humanitarian and various ugly social phenomena and their representatives to expose critical, the right of working people whose suffering and the struggle against sympathy and support. But he also the idea of "caring" for the Center's patience and forgiveness and reconciliation class. The