可以用英语概述never been kissed 这部电影的故事情节吗?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 05:20:00


Guide Review - "Never Been Kissed" (1999)

Josie Geller (Drew Barrymore) is the youngest copy editor at the Chicago Sun-Times. In true copy-editor stereotype, she's a big grammar geek who's invested far more time in Webster's than doing her hair in the morning. And like many stuck on newsroom desk jobs, she dreams about being a reporter and submits story ideas to her editor -- to no avail. Then one day the paper's editor gets the brilliant idea to send her undercover into a local high school to get the scoop on what today's teens are up to. Josie was an uber-geek in high school, so relishes the opportunity but fears the assignment. Her pal at the Sun-Times, played well by Molly Shannon, tries to help her be hip. But it's Josie's bro