
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 12:03:46
The use of TCP/IP for Real-time Messages in

ATLAS Data Collection Note 26

R. E. Hughes-Jones

1. Introduction
This paper discusses the behaviour of the TCP/IP protocol when used for exchanging data and control messages in the ATLAS Trigger/DAQ environment. The ATLAS Trigger/DAQ is considered as a real-time application; and details of the application level protocol, such as the packet contents, are not considered here. Although the exact details of the network communications within ATLAS Trigger/DAQ are still being discussed, the general functionality expected from the network is sufficient for this analysis. Some indications of where this protocol would be useful and where it may be inappropriate are presented.

Appendix A gives a brief or “micro” introduction to the parts of the TCP/IP protocol that are relevant to Atlas Trigger/DAQ.

2. Messages in the Trigger/DAQ Candidate Architecture
The most

这个论文讨论了TCP/IP协议的行为,当它被用来交换数据和控制信息在ATLAS TRIGGER/DAQ(后简称AT)环境中。AT 被认为是一种真实时间应用和应用等级协议的资料,如包的连接,不被认为这里。虽然这种在AT下的网络通讯的资料仍然子阿被讨论,但是大部分网络分析的所期待的功能已经被满足。有一些指令是有用的,有一些指令有待改进。

附录 a给出了一个一个简短的导言关于TCP/TP里面包含AT协议的相关内容。