
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/04 11:59:18
In the 7th century the church celebrated All Saint's Day in May, but by the 9th century the date had been changed to Nov. 1st. The original festival for the pagan Lord of the Dead became a festival of Christian dead. People went on expecting the arrival of ghosts on Oct. 31st. Another name for All Saint's Day was All Hallows' Even which was later shortened to Halloween. In the 10th century the church named Nov. 2nd as All Souls' Day in memory of all dead souls. Halloween, All Saints' Day, and All Souls' Day come so close together and are so similar that in some countries they tend to merge together.
The witch is a central symbol of Halloween. The name comes from the Saxon wica, meaning wise one. When setting out for a Sabbath, witches rubbed a sacred ointment onto their skin. This gave them a feeling of flying, and if they had been fasting they felt even giddier. Some witches rode on horseback, but poor witches went on foot and carried a broom or a pole to

在第7 个世纪教会庆祝了万圣节在5月, 但在第9 个世纪以前日期被改变了到11月1 日。原始的节日为死者的异教的阁下成为了基督徒死者节日。人们继续期待鬼魂到来在10月31 日。其它名字对于万圣节是全部尊敬了以后被变短对Halloween 。在10 世纪教会命名了11月2 日作为所有灵魂的天以记念所有死的灵魂。Halloween 、万圣节, 和所有灵魂的天一起来很接近和很相似, 在一些国家他们倾向于一起合并。巫婆是Halloween 的一个中央标志。名字来自Saxon wica, 意味明智一个。当开始为Sabbath, 巫婆摩擦了一支神圣的软膏他们的皮肤。这给了他们飞行的感觉, 和如果他们斋戒他们感到更加轻浮。一些巫婆在马背上乘坐了, 但可怜的巫婆徒步去和运载笤帚或杆援助在跳跃在小河。在英国当新巫婆被创始了他们经常是blindfolded, 抹上了与飞行软膏和安置在broomstick 。软膏会混淆头脑, 会加速脉冲和会麻木脚。当他们告诉"您飞行在土地和海," 巫婆采取了他们的词为它。爱尔兰神话告诉醉酒的命名的Stingy 杰克, 一天邀请恶魔喝一杯。他说服恶魔改变到六便士为了支付饮料, 但而不是支付饮料他pocketed 六便士在一个银色十字架旁边哪些防止了恶魔改变。杰克做了一个成交与恶魔在任意让他之前。一年恶魔不能harrass 杰克。下Halloween 恶魔再遇见了杰克, 并且他欺骗了恶魔入攀登一棵苹果树为苹果但另一方面削减了十字架的标志成树的树干防止恶魔下来。杰克迫使恶魔发誓他从未会来在杰克的灵魂以后。恶魔勉强地同意。并且杰克如此留给单独。杰克死了在年之内和被转动了从天堂门由于他的stingyness 和drunkedness 。他去地狱门并且恶魔劝告他走开, 因为杰克许下了他诺言没要求他的灵魂。杰克没有想离开因为它是黑暗的并且他不能寻找他的道路。恶魔扔了杰克发光的煤炭并且杰克投入了它在白萝卜里面, 并且自那以后与这个杰克O' 灯笼, 杰克漫游这地球的面孔。苏格兰孩子挖空和雕刻大白萝卜和投入蜡烛在他们。爱尔兰孩子用白萝卜或土豆。在英国的部分他们用大甜菜。当刻痕和爱尔兰人来了到美国他们发现了南瓜, 当然做一个完善的杰克O' 灯笼。从最早期的时期人佩带了面具当天旱或其它灾害触击了。

就是他写 的啊