
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/12 20:41:08



(1)电子邮件阶段: 这个阶段可以从20世纪70年代算起,平均的通信量以每年几倍的速度增长。

(2)信息发布阶段: 从1995年起,以Web技术为代表的信息发布系统,爆炸式地成长起来,成为目前Internet的主要应用。

(3)EC(Electronic Commerce电子商务)阶段:EC在美国也才刚刚开始。之所以把EC列为一个划时代的产物,是因为Internet最终的主要商业用途,就是电子商务。同时反过来也可以很肯定地说,若干年后的商业信息,主要就是通过Internet传递的。Internet即将成为商业信息社会的神经系统。


在美国,电子商务发展实际上就体现在“信息高速公路”的发展上,体现在具体的信息网络化的建设上。美国在这方面体现了社会化大分工的鲜明特点。国家从宏观上推动;地方政府着眼于本地平台建设;通信通道引入竞争,由企业投入;企业内联网由用户负责,并充分利用现有网络资源实现内联网与互联网的互联;有计划地放开信息服务业。 (语句要通顺啊,先谢了)

(A)The development and present condition of American electronic commerce

1, the American electronic commerce develop three stages

See from the Internet applied angle, the American electronic commerce development can is divided into three stages:

(1)E-mail stage: This stage can rise on the whole from the 70's in 20 centuries and the average correspondence quantity is increase with several speed of every years.

(2)The information releases a stage: Have taken Web technique as the representative's information to release system since 1995, explosion type ground the growth get up and become currently an Internet main application.

(3)EC(the electronic commerce of Electronic Commerce) stage:The EC also just just started in the United States.Of so list as an epoch-making outcome of ECs, be an electronic commerce because of the end main commercial purpose of the Internet.In the meantime turn over can also affirm ground to say