哪位大仙帮忙翻译下啊 感谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/11 18:49:42
我于2004年9月入读XX大学XX学院XX专业。XX大学是一所百年老校,有着丰富的办学历史和办学经验,多年来为国家培养了不少各个领域的人才。在这所教风严谨,学术氛围颇浓的学校中,四年的学习生活使我收益匪浅。老师们丰富的知识,多样的教学方式,以及课程中轻松的课堂气氛都让我感受到了学习的乐趣,促使我不断的升级自己的知识水平。同学间亲密无间的情谊使我能更加全身心的投入到学习中去。同时,学校还不遗余力的为了给我们创造一个完美的学习环境而努力。在这四年中,在老师的guidance,自己的努力以及同学的帮助下,我的各门课程都取得了优异的成绩,在本专业名列前茅。更重要的是,大学四年的学习生活使我养成了勤读书的好习惯。我从一开始的不知道读哪些书,到后来的在教授的建议下有选择的筛选书籍去读,并且采用正确的,科学的方法读书,这应该是我的大学学习的一个很大收获。另外,通过课程设计,认识实习等活动,我充分认识到了团队合作的重要性。与伙伴们合力攻克一个难题,远比自己冥思苦想得出一个结论有意义的多。在这一系列的活动中,我培养了自己的team spirit,而这种素质正是在以后的学习工作中不可或缺的,尤其是在当今这样一个知识经济高速发展的大背景之下。更重要的是,在相关专业课的学习中,我积累了较为丰富的人力资源各模块知识,同时也对。。。。产生了浓厚的兴趣。


I in September 2004 enrolled in the University of XX XX XX professional colleges. XX University is a colored, rich in history and sponsoring school experience for the country over the years has trained many personnel in various fields. In this wind by the stringent academic atmosphere rather concentrated in schools, four years of my life learning gains a great deal. Teachers wealth of knowledge, diverse teaching methods and curriculum in the classroom atmosphere is relaxed I felt the learning fun, I have to upgrade their knowledge. Among the students are close friendship to allow me to a more wholehearted input to the study. At the same time, the school also spared no effort to give us create a perfect learning environment and efforts. Over the past four years, in the teacher's guidance, their own efforts and with the help of students, the various courses I have made outstanding achievements in the professional top. More importantly, four years