
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:05:13

Thanks for your cd and book.I love them so much.
By the way, the teacher didin't show up in the show yesterday due to an important meeting.
I am extremely sorry for that.
Hope to see you again.(Thanks)

Thank you for the book and CD you sent to me. I love it. Another thing, our teacher was not able to watch the performance because he/she had to attend a meeting. I will like to apologise over this. I hope to see you again.

Thanks for the book and CD you gave me as gift.I like it very much.In addition,I absent from yeaterday's show for a important meeting with my teacher,I felt very sorry.Hope I can meet you AGAIN.

Thanks a lot for the CD and the books I've got from you! I like them very much! In addition, my teacher couldn't attend when we did our performance yesterday because there was an important meeting. I'm very appologize about that. Wish to see you again!