
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 08:41:40


The Origin & Meaning of the Word Entrepreneur:

“The word entrepreneur comes from the 13th century French verb
entreprendre, meaning “to do something” or “to undertake.” By the 16th
century, the noun entrepreneur, had emerged to refer to someone who
undertakes a business venture. The first academic usage of the term
was by economist Richard Cantillon in 1730. For Cantillion, the
bearing of risk – engaging in business without an assurance of the
profits that will be derived – is the distinguishing feature of an

The term entrepreneur was further popularized by economist Jean
Baptiste Say, who in the early 1800s, used the term to refer to
individuals who create value in an economy by moving resources out of
areas of low productivity and into areas of higher productivity and
greater yield. In 1848, economist