capital punishment 急!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 23:17:42
the killers not only kill the victims of murder, they also break...(失去死者的人的心)。。应该怎么翻译啊!

My Idea about capital punishment
In the modern global community, the ideas of liberalism and democracy are widely accepted. People embrace freedom to an extent that has never been achieved throughout history. However, some countries go a little bit too far. The abolishment of capital punishment is just one example. These counties argue that no authority is entitled to deprive individuals of their right to live. Even those who commit felonies such as murder, rape and arson should be put in prison rather than on a guillotine. They believe their practice embodies humanism which goes well beyond the tit-for-tat juridical tradition that is passed down for generations. In my mind, however, death penalty should not be abolished, as long as there is a possibility of grave crimes in the world.
In the Chinese language, there is a proverb that goes like this: A merciful angel frightens no devil.(门神善了鬼不怕). The capital punishment is the last weapon that awes potential criminals. If t