
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 12:32:12
对于朋友而言"离别"是谁都不愿意见到的两个字,但是天下没有不散的宴席..所以我们总会有分开的一天...也许是我自作多情吧,我在你心里只是同事罢了.但我把你当成了好朋友,记住只是好朋友,不像其他人想的那样...尤其是你舅娘他们的想法是特别错误的.!...如果你也把我当成朋友,请记住我! 有句话叫"友谊不因远而疏"希望你能记住我,对了,我还要见你的男朋友的~!#$%^&*()_

Yan. Because you are my friend, so stay note to you.
The case for a friend "farewell" is the word everybody did not want to see, but the world did not leave the banquet .. Therefore, we will always be separate from the day ... perhaps I自作多情, my colleagues in your heart only just. But I take you as a good friend, and remember only good friends, unlike other people would like it ... especially your maternal uncle Niang their thoughts are particularly wrong .!... If you take me as a friend, please remember me! there is a saying "friendship far and not because of dredging," I hope you can remember, and I would also like to see your male friends Friends of the.........