
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 17:29:44
我想daly report时候背诵,我才大一,希望能尽可能用通俗词汇使同学能够听的懂跟的上的

Gamelan refers to any one of several types of instrumental ensembles found on the islands of Java and Bali in Indonesia. The University of Michigan's gamelan, called The Venerable Lake of Honey, is from central Java, and is similar to those that developed in the royal palaces of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. This tour provides an introduction to gamelan music through the instruments in the University of Michigan's gamelan ensemble.
The word gamelan comes from the Javanese word gamel, a kind of hammer, like those used by blacksmiths. True to its name, most of the instruments are made of beaten metal and are played with mallets. The ensembles can vary from small village groups comprised of a handful of instruments to the grand court emsembles with as many as 75 bronze instruments in addition to the rebabs, drums, and singers.
The gamelan offers a rich experience for all the senses. Beaten bronze instruments glow softly in frames of intricately carved wood. The honey-lik