
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 07:20:48
Development of a Regional Power Market in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS)
We can suggest some possible explanations for this apparent inconsistency. Laws and regulations might have been very clear about the traditional role of national power utilities with respect to transmission; these lines are probably less clear during the transition phases of restructuring. Experience from other countries suggests that utilities are unlikely to surrender traditional responsibilities unless regulations precisely limit their new role. Further, traditional utilities lack expertise in working with private developers; they would rather continue to design and construct systems as they have in the past. Thus, there is somewhat of a vacuum during the transition period. The survey indicates (Table 5) that five of the regional power sectors are developing a new institution to address transmission in the restructured sector.
Compatibility of Commercial Principles
Many potential barriers to

我们可以提出一些可能的解释为,这显然自相矛盾。法律和法规可能已经很清楚的传统角色,国家电力公用事业方面的传输;这些生产线有可能不太清楚,在过渡阶段的转型。经验,从其他国家表明,水电费是不可能投降传统的责任,除非法规恰恰限制了他们发挥新的作用。另外,传统公用事业缺乏专业知识,在工作与私人发展商;他们宁愿将继续设计和建造系统,因为他们在过去的。因此,有几成真空,在这段过渡期内。调查表明(见表5 ) 5个区域电力部门正在制定一个新的机构来解决传输中的结构改组的部门。
( 1 ^定价原则
( " ^ /代关税
( 3 )传输关税
( -/ )的税收和版税
为/ 1商业和会计政策。
只有两间大湄公河次区域国家泰国和云南省-目前有正式的方法来计算关税,但这些方法都没有界定,在法律或法规。虽然所有国家都认为其关税有关的成本结构中,只有泰国认为,其方法透明。此外,没有一个国家单独计算,传输和代收费。 (柬埔寨和老挝人民民主共和国认为,这些都不够有关,他们的系统。 )