
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 03:21:30
Pulling up shoots to help them grow
Once upon a time, there was a farmer who worked all day long on the fields. Even though he worked very hard, he was worried that his shoots weren't growing fast enough.
One day, he went out to his field, and spent the whole day pulling all the shoots up one by one, and only went home when the sun had gone down.
Proudly he exclaimed, "I've worked hard all day pulling those shoots up, but it's worth it. They will grow much taller now."
Upon hearing those words, the farmer's son immediately ran out to the fields, and saw that all the shoots had died.
This proverb is about doing something that you think will help, but actually ends up being more of a hindrance

一天,他到他的田里去,用了一整天,把田里的秧苗一个一个拔起来一截。直到太阳落山,他才回家。回到家, 他非常自豪的说:“把那些秧苗给拔高一截辛苦了我一天,但是这很值得,因为它们马上就要长得更高了。”听到这些话,他的儿子马上跑到田理,发现所有的秧苗都死了。