
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/11 01:52:25
医生值班室 主任办公室 药库 新农合报账处 行政办公室 针炙理疗室 信息档案室 社区卫生办公室 社区护理部 新农合服务站 护理值班室 产房 病房 急诊抢救室 妇保室 收费室 消毒供应室 中药房 透视室 西药室 计免候诊室 摄片室 检验科 放射科 计免接种室 儿保室 碎石室 彩超室 脑血流图室 心脑电图室 保卫科 儿保候诊室 腹泻门诊 西药房 中医科 口腔科


Doctor duty officers observation room director the office medical supply store new agriculture gathers renders an account place the administrative office needle to roast the physical therapy room information archive office community health office community to nurse department the new agriculture to gather the service station to nurse the duty officers observation room delivery room hospital ward emergency medical treatment rescue room woman to guarantee in the room charge room disinfection supply office west the pharmacy perspective room the barrel chamber EPI hospital waiting room to absorb the piece room inspection department radiology EPI vaccination room to guarantee the room garrulous stone chamber color ultra room brain blood stream chart room heart electroencephalogram room department of health service to guarantee the hospital waiting room diarrhea outpatient service dispensary Chinese Medical Department oral cavity branch

doctor's duty roo