
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 00:50:23
离开不会太悲伤 有些心情该释放 直到眼泪它自己落下 才发现骗不了自己 其实很爱你

Leave not too sad, some moods should release, didn't discover to can't cheat oneself until the tears falls in, loving you in fact and very.



Leave not too sad, some moods should release, didn't discover to can't cheat oneself until the tears falls in, and very loving you in fact .


支持后者 第一位兄弟不知用什么整句翻译工具翻译的 翻译完了应该改改 请有点责任感

Leave not too sad, some moods should release, didn't discover to can't cheat oneself until the tears falls in, and more loving you in fact .