
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/06 08:45:22
{ 我和你有很多的共同点,也许你想的问题太多了,我曾经因为压力大,整天想着好多关于未来的问题.所以就开始吸烟,但是等到上瘾了,有想戒掉它,和你一样,我也想着以后能有个基本的生活,但我现在还不能自立,我真的希望我还是个小孩子,我不想长大,但是我现在已经19岁了,我现在在我们的学校多学点知识对我以后也许有很大帮助,我希望我能在将来找的好的工作。



We have a lot things in common.Maybe you just worried too much. I was like that before, worried about my future too much, and gave myself too much pressure, so I smoked, then I got addited to it, and now I want to quit. I have the same idea as you, just want to lead a simple life in the future. But I am not indenpend enough, so sometimes I wish I will never grow up but I can't, I am 19 years old. I know it would be helpful for me to learn more from school, and I hope I can get a better job in the future.

You once dreamed that you could be the president of the country, and I also dreamed to win the lottery, or robbed the bank, then I can travel around the world. Hahaha,just kidding, it can be real anyway. sometimes I am not satisfied the policies in my country and I hate politics. You
are a tough guy and I wish your every little dream
can come true.

I and you