
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 21:58:44

The Priceless Dog

  A lady was going by steamer from a city to another in America. On board with her were her baby boy and a maid. The maid was carrying the child in her arms.
  As the steamer came near to the landing-place, it began to slacken speed. The maid walked to the side of the vessel to look over, when all at once the child sprang out of her arms, and fell into the water below. The swift stream carried it quickly away.
  The mother was nearly wild with grief and fear. The sailors began to lower a boat. But everyone could see that the child would be drowned before the boat could reach it. What was to be done?
  Among the people on board was a gentleman who had been quietly reading in another part of the steamer. Hearing the cries of the mother, he came quickly forward and said, "Can you give me something the child has worn?"
  The maid gave him a tiny apron, which had been left in her hands as she tried to save the child from falling.