
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 03:35:12
These findings also suggest that the previously reported relation between acculturation and violence for immigrant youths may also require consideration of the developmental processes associated with individuation.Studies suggest that although individuation is a developmental process that occurs across all ethnic groups (Bray et al., 2003), cultural and social contexts may moderate this process (Boykin McElhaney & Allen,2001; Fuhrman & Hombeck, 1995). Fuhrman and Holmbeck, for instance, suggested that emotional autonomy is associated with less positive adjustment in family environments that are supportive. In cultural groups that emphasize family relations and collectivism,adaptive functioning for youths may require that the process of individuation involves elaborations of their self–other conceptions (i.e., independence, auton- omy) while maintaining cohesive and harmonious family bonds and ties (Silverberg & Gondoli, 1996).As such, for an immigrant population such as Chinese and Sou

线性分组编码是一类重要的纠错码,它主要用于降低误码率,提高数字信号传输的可靠性。本设计基于windows xp平台,采用MAX + Plus II软件中的图形编辑模块和文本编辑模块,运用VHDL对线性分组编码器的编码功能,进行组合逻辑电路设计以及VHDL设计,并对两种设计进行波形仿真。组合逻辑电路设计,是根据线性分组编码理论,利用与非门、触发器等逻辑器件搭建起来的电路原理图;VHDL设计,是将线性分组编码理论通过用VHDL描述,实现其编码功能。本设计针对(7,4)线性分组编码器的功能进行详细设计,当一组4位的信息序列进入编码器时,监督码元被加到信息码元之后,形成一组新的信息序列,此序列的前4位是信息码元,后3位是监督码元,3个监督位的作用就是实现检错与纠错。本设计通过两种不同方案设计出线性分组编码器,利用MAX+Plus II软件模拟了编码理论中一系列繁琐的算法,通过对比可知,理论值与实际波形相符,实现了线性分组编码器的功能。