
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 11:32:36
求一篇辩论用的材料,题目是<should university students go in for business?>明天就要用了,算平时成绩,恳求各位前辈助小弟一臂之力!!


Day and night, we hustle around in the bustle of the city to make money, which paradoxically never suffices our ever-expanding needs, or to put it more straightforwardly, greeds. What drives us? Business! Under the disguise of the so-called advancement of technology, and with a most craft, cunning, and calculating nature, long before it has secretly assumed a dominant position over human beings, and has enslaved us ever since. In this comfortable prison, our cells are richly decorated, lavish meals are furnished, and extravagant parties are held every night to celebrate our glorious enslavement. We call it a paradise, which yields an abundance of material fruits that every greed Adam and Eve can easily reach upon the ladder of money. But God shall lament, “Paradise lost, truly lost”, for business has killed faith, and with it, morality. And now, thirsty for more power, it is launching a third wave of attack -- upon knowledge.
That university students should go in fo