
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 13:46:41
1.he (knows the subject from A to Z.)

2.If you give up the plan,you will (throw the baby out with the bath water.)

3.I (have an idea at the back of my mind )that I met him at a conference about 2 years ago.

4.scratch my back and I will scratch yours.

5.He wants a regular income but he doesn't want to work.(He can't have his cake and eat it.)

6.Your campaign is (gainning ground.)

7.He would (dot he i's and cross his t's) in letting his employees know what he expected of them.

8.Don't give her ideas- you know how difficult it is to( get into films)

9.They( were gay and jazzing up )after a round of beer.

10.We have prepared a souvenir for you and (yours to cherish)

It's none of your business,无敌赢魔. get off.


1.他 (知道来自 A- Z 的主题.) 寓意:不知道.呵呵
2.如果你放弃计划,你将会 (把孩子仍出浴缸) 字面上是这样理解,寓意:永不放弃.

3.我大约 2 年前一个会议中遇到了他 (在我的思想背面的一个主意 )。寓意:蓄谋已久.
4. 擦我的背部,而且我将会擦你的。 寓意:以牙还牙.

5.他想要一般的收入但是他不想工作。(他能没有他的蛋糕但却想吃它.) 寓意:天下没有免费的晚餐.

6.你的活动是 (得到地面.) 寓意:不知道.
7.他会 (????) 让他的职员知道他们期望的。寓意:胸有成竹.

8.不要提供她的主意- 你知道,它是多么困难吗? ( 进入电影)



10.我们已经为你准备一个纪念品 (你的珍爱) 寓意:囊中取物.
呵呵,以上答案只供参考,如有版权纠纷,请拨12315.最终解释权归jianershisan 秀才所有.