如何使用Mozilla JS Engine?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 09:35:35

以下网页较为详细地介绍了如何使用Javascript Engine

SpiderMonkey is Gecko's JavaScript engine written in C. It is used in various Mozilla products, including Firefox, and is available under MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license.

JSAPI Reference
SpiderMonkey API reference.

JSDBGAPI Reference
SpiderMonkey debugging API reference.

JavaScript C Engine Embedder's Guide
This guide provides an overview of SpiderMonkey and describes how you can embed engine calls in your applications to make them JavaScript-aware.

How to embed the JavaScript engine
A bare-bones tutorial about embedding SpiderMonkey.

SpiderMonkey Garbage Collection Tips
Tips on avoiding garbage collector pitfalls.

Introduction to