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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 23:22:24
CC3. Basketball
Basketball is one of the most popular games in the world. People play it in most counties. It is a good game for rich or poor, and some basketball players have become rich from playing the game. Some people think it is a very old game, but the basketball people play today is quite new.
Dr James A Naismith invented basketball in America in 1891. He invented it because he wanted a game people could play inside or outside, in the daytime or at night. He wanted it to be a team game and one that both men and women would like and could learn easily. He wanted it to be exciting to watch and to play, he wanted the players to use a ball but not a bat. The ball had to be large and light. He wanted it to be easy to catch and throw but not easy to hide. The winning team would be the team that could throw the ball the most times through a high basket. It is from the world “basket’ that the game got its name. In Naismith’s game there were only thirteen rules, but th

篮球是由美国人Dr James A N 在1891年发明的。他发明篮球是因为他希望有一种游戏能在很多情况下玩,不管是屋内屋外,还是白天黑夜。他希望它能成为一种团队游戏,这种游戏男人和女人都会喜爱而且很容易学。他希望它能极具观赏性和操作性。他希望玩的人能直接操作球而不是球拍。这种球必须得大而且轻。他希望它能很容易被抓取和投掷却不容易被藏起来。获胜的队伍因该能最多次数的把球扔进一个比较高的篮子里。就是从“篮子”这一词,这项运动获得了它的名字。在Naismith的游戏中仅仅有13条规则,但是这些规则被更改过很多次直到1934年。在那一年人们停止更改规则。尽管Naismith's的篮球是一项很新的运动,但是墨西哥的Mayan人在一千多年以前就开始从事一种和这相识的运动。但那并不是一项很好的运动。胜利队伍会砍掉失败队伍的头颅。

哈哈!!! 就这样吧! 虽然语言不顺,但大体意思因该能看懂.