
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 22:57:55

A; I think stress gives us advantage as well as disadvantage. What do you say to my opinion?
B; I can't agree to your opinion because according to my thought stress only gives us disadvantage. So stress can be described as No Advantage All Disadvantage.
A; It is clear fact that stress cause a lot of bad influnece on our life. But thinking a little bit deeper, we also can find out some kinds of advantage stress gives us.
B: Your view is quite interesting to me. Before never have I seen such man as has your views. Can you explain to me some more about your view?
A; Sure. Let me take one simple example from our daily life. If we are preparing for our examination, imagine there would be no stress at all. Under the kind of situation, really we can concentrate and try hard to develop our ability? Anyone could easily imagine that under such situation, only few would feel responsible and try to have achievement.
B: I see. That is clear undeniable fact