
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 08:27:45
绿色物流(Environmental logistics)是指在物流过程中抑制物流对环境造成危害的同时,实现对物流环境的净化,使物流资源得到最充分利用。随着环境资源恶化程度的加深,对人类生存和发展的威胁越大,因此人们对环境的利用和环境的保护越来越重视,现代物流的发展必须优先考虑环境问题,需要从环境角度对物流体系进行改进,即需要形成一个环境共生型的物流管理系统。这种物流管理系统建立在维护全球环境和可持续发展基础上,改变原来发展与物流、消费生活与物流的单向作用关系,在抑制物流对环境造成危害的同时,形成一种能促进经济与消费健康发展的物流系统,即向绿色物流转变。因此,现代绿色物流管理强调了全局和长远的利益,强调全方位对环境的关注,体现了企业绿色形象,是一种新的物流管理趋势。


Green Logistics (Environmental logistics) refers to the process of inhibition in the logistics logistics damage to the environment at the same time, realizing the logistics environment purification, logistics resources to the best use. With the deterioration of environmental resources and the deepening of the extent of human survival and development of the greater threat, the use of people on the environment and the protection of the environment more seriously, the development of modern logistics priority must be given to environmental issues, from the environmental point of view on the need for logistics system improved, the need to form a symbiotic environment of the logistics management system. Such logistics management system for the safeguarding of global environment and sustainable development based on the change in the original development and logistics, consumer life and the logistics of a one-way relationship in inhibiting logistics damage to the environment at the same tim