
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 03:58:30
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My father
That is a loving man who is with glasses.He is medium height and is friendly to people.This is my father.Athough he made some mistakes 1 years ago, he is still my best father.
In 2007,that summer.I heard some terrible voice when I got home from school.I went into the living room and saw my parents
stand behind the desk.However I found my mom crying."what's up?why are you crying,mom?""Your father spend 30,000 yuan having fun ,(这句我主要想说爸爸拿了3万块出去逍游,帮我改改.)In E'Mei.I have no money in the bank!"I was really angry.My father only said"sorry".then he left.
After that,my father was getting better and better.Everyday,he made breakfast for us.Then he went to work at 8 o'clock.He cooked dinnei as soon as he got home.My mother and I were both happy.Now,we have a happy life.
How good my f

My father is a loving man with glasses.He is medium height and is friendly to people.This is my father.Though he usually makes some mistakes,he is still my best father.
For example one day,I heard something terrible when I got home from school Last summer. Then I rushed into the living room and saw my mom crying sit behind the desk."what's up?why do you cry,mom?""Dear son,your father spend 30,000 yuan having fun in E'Mei.We have no money left!"At this time, I was so angry that I couldn't believe what my father had did.But my father did nothing except saying sorry.
Since then on,maybe, he'd known this mistake and tried to do a lot for my mom and I.Everyday,he makes breakfast for us by himself.And in work hours he works harder .As soon as he gets home,he cooks dinner. Now,we forgive him to enjoy ourselves together.I always love him.

My father

There is a man medium height and always friendly smile to people.He is my father