谁知道tell me one more time这首歌的中文歌词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 18:47:25
有知道的吗 gareth gates的一首经典歌 谢谢了

tell me one more time(再说一次)

come and tell me baby 来吧,告诉我亲爱的
do you believe in love 你相信爱情吗
the way that i do 相信我爱你吗
and when you find the one 当你找到生命的唯一
wherever you go they will travel with you 天涯海角爱都会相随
what can i say where do i start 我能说什么
to pick up the pieces of your broken heart 我该怎么开始

tell me one more time 再告诉我一次
why your heart cannot be mine 为何不能把心交给我
look into my eyes and say 看着我的眼睛
that love has gone 告诉我爱已远走
and i will be mad enough to walk away 我会像个男子汉默默离开
tell me one more time 再告诉我一次
why your dreams cannot be mine 为何不能与你分享美梦
bcause i won’t believe it is true 因为我无法相信这是真的
until i hear it if from you 除非我听你亲口说

do you believe in love 你相信爱情吗
there is right no wrong no no 它无关是非对错
love is just an open road 爱是条开阔的路
with different ways moving on 以不同的方式移动
i dear you to stay 我确信你会留下
and work this thing out