有谁曾经参加过Au pair in America的项目的?有谁知道au pair考试要考些什么啊???sos!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 12:25:12
学校组织了au pair的项目,但是我实在不知道该怎么准备4月份的英语考试,要是英语没过关的话就过不了了,而且对au pair这个项目也是第一次接触,对它的可信度什么的都不清楚,所以想请教一些这方面的专业人士。拜托!

What is au pair? An au pair is a girl without any dependents who comes to the UK to learn English and to live as part of an English speaking family.


Before she arrives she should have as much information as possible about the home she is going to and what she will be expected to do.


An au pair is not allowed to take a job in this country, the light household duties are part of the au pair arrangement are not regarded as employment.

"au pair"的法语解释是:以为家庭做出某些服务换取免费食宿和少量津贴.
在一些语言学校的课程设置里有专门针对那些持有这种为法国家庭工作(比如说接送,带小孩,打扫房间等等)的合同的学生的"au pair"课程,课程设置和课时都和正常的一样但价钱会便宜三分之一
