
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 01:37:42

1 航海到某地去 sail to a place
2 打败了英国人 defeat the British
英国 Britain
英国的 British
3 香槟酒 champagne
矿泉水 mineral water
日本米酒 sake
4 既然冬天已经在我们身后,那么许多人正开始考虑去国外度暑假。 Now that winter is behind us, many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holiday.
既然…那么… now…that… = since
开始做某事 start doing sth. = start to do sth. = begin doing sth. = begin to do sth.
考虑做某事 think about doing sth.
去国外度暑假 go abroad for the summer holiday
5 为什么不做某事? Why not do sth. ? = Why don’t you/we do sth. ? = What about doing sth. ?
6 为什么不起飞去法国旅行呢? Why not spread your wings and visit France?
起飞 spread your wings
法国 France
法国的 French
法国人 Frenchman
7 一个奇妙的地方 a wonderful place
怀疑 wonder
奇妙的 wonderful
奇妙地 wonderfully
8 去度假 go for a holiday
9 法国是一个适合于度假的奇妙的地方。 France is a wonderful place to go for a holiday.
10 这是一个大国,在英吉利海峡,大西洋和地中海中有着许多海岸。 It is a huge co