
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 16:21:21
本人大三,虽然不是英语专业,但也希望能在英语上有所发展,能达到脱口而出的境界。求高人指点。voa bbc cnn等基本听得懂,但发现这种新闻英语范围比较狭窄,多涉及政治。希望高人提供一些好的英语资料。

推荐你购买空中英语教室(Studio Classroom)的高级版《彭蒙惠英语》,内容范围比较广泛,涉及历史、文化、医学等方面,每集都就一个话题展开讨论,提高英语听力之余也可以学到不少东西。价格也不贵,42块有三四张光碟,每天听一篇(约25分钟),也差不多能听上一年。

外研社出的高级英语听力(Listen to this)


I'm not sure what do you mean by basically understand CNN BBC VOA. Is it 50% , 60%or more? If you can understand up to 90% of CNN broadcast, then your English must be really something. In those three stations you mentioned, it is true that a lot of topics is about politics. But there are also some programs about history, culture, medicine, etc. And by the way, language study is a two way process. If you just listen and never have any chance to practice it at all, you'll forget it very soon. I suggest you practice you conversation with native speakers or you can call VOA live broadcast program. Call collect, it is free. Wish you good luck.....